Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving.

Our first thanksgiving by ourselves. I have to be on bed rest so we aren't able to meet up with the fam like we planned. I will be documenting our day for you all to see. Plus I really want to try out the video on my new camera, YAY!. Hope everyone has a great holiday

Look at the beautiful turkey.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Hospital Visit. :(

Ok ok, I know I have been really bad lately about keeping up with our family blog, but since I am now on bed rest for a couple days why not catch you all up on what has been going on. I am officially done with my wedding season and can sit back and wait for baby Jones to come, which is a blessing because it has been a busy season. I am not too sure what the weather has been like in the rest of the US, but Portland Oregon got very icy and cold the last few days. I was sitting at my computer trying to finish up some last minute photo editing I had to do while my Sweet dog Cooper lay at my feet. He usually does so well when I am working and simply sleeps, but yesterday was not a typical day. He was whining like crazy so I thought I would take him for a quick walk and then get back to work.

We were about 20 minutes into our walk and I totally banana slipped on some ice, landing on my hip. As soon as I was able to get up I looked around to make sure no one saw my clumsy fall (thank goodness no one did). I started to feel really crampy and headed home to call Kody. We talked it over and we thought it was a good idea to call my OBGYN office just to be safe. They informed me that I needed to go to the hospital and be monitored for a couple hours to make sure everything was okay with our baby. 2 hours of monitoring turned into 4 hours and that turned into an over night stay at the St. Vincent Hospital Inn. The baby was great and her heart rate could not have been better; in fact every nurse we saw throughout the 24 hours said our baby looked really healthy and happy. Not only was she un-phased by my contractions, she seemed to enjoy them!

They were more concerned with the mini contractions I was having that would not stop. The Doc took all the info from the 24 hours and decided I have a irritable uterus and need to be on bed rest for a couple days. They said there will be no more traveling out of p-town until the baby comes, which means we have to miss thanksgiving with the fam :( but we want to do whats best for our baby.

So now you know the story and why we were in the hospital over night. I am feeling good and so is baby, and that is all we could ask for. Thank you Lord for keeping her in the oven a little longer. I hope next time we visit the hospital we get to bring home a healthy baby girl :)

Not the best picture of me, but hey I am 34 weeks pregnant what do you expect!

Friday, November 12, 2010


We are saying Goodbye to our sweet cat Milo today. We decided with the baby coming and having the dog there are just to many animals in our small place. We have searched high and low for the best family we know to take him and we landed on the Ahlsten family in Eugene OR. Kody grew up with them and their daughter Kristen loves animals and cant wait to have Milo, we are so excited for them to be the ones who get him. We are heart broken to see him go because he was our first baby when we got married, but we know it is the right decision. He will probably have a much more relaxed life without our dog Cooper around to wrestle with him. We love you Milo and will visit you often!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Maternity Pics

My good friend and fellow photographer Cassy (  took me out yesterday and took some great maternity pictures of me. It was weird being on the other end of the camera, I totally didn't know what to do with myself. Cassy was great and gave me great guidance. Here are some of my favs. from the shoot.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Half Time

Go Ducks! Our team has been doing so well this year and it is fun every Saturday to get ready for the big game. This last Saturday some of Kody's family drove up to Portland to watch the game with us. Kody has a 5 year old brother and every time he comes up to stay with us we feel so bad cause we don't have a lot of "Kid" things for him to do. So Kody and I went to the dollar store and got a bunch of fun stuff like coloring books, paints, etc... and put together a kid box. During half time we let Cole pick out some stuff to play with and I found that Kody was totally into the kid box as well. At one point I think each of us were coloring in those coloring books. Who knew!

We found this little piggy bank with paints at the dollar store. Such cool stuff!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pregnancy update.

*Weeks- 31 weeks pregnant.

*weight gain- Gained 7 pounds in two weeks. Yikes! :)

*Total weight gain- 32 pounds and counting.

*Exercise- Not really, trying to start walking more now.

*Gender- Still a girl at this point, but you never know tell they get here.

*Baby movement- She moves all the time, which makes us wonder how active she will be when she is out of my belly.

*Emotions- I would say I cry maybe twice a week about nothing.

*Foods I Like- Anything that has to do with sugar. This may explain the weight gain.

*Things that have made me laugh- TLC"S show "I didn't know I was pregnant". How can these girls really not know they were pregnant tell the moment they give birth, PLEASE!

*Things that warm my heart- My sweet puppy Cooper, he is such a good dog and has such a tender heart.

*Things I miss- Sleeping! Better get used to this one.

*Things I want to do before she comes- Take a little trip to the beach with my hubby and dog for the day.

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I love my husband.

I couldn't have asked for a better husband than the one God gave me. He is so sweet to me and he has made this pregnancy much easier on me. The biggest thing I am looking forward to when our little girl comes is to watch Kody be a dad. there are a few men out there that were born to be parents and Kody is one of them, he loves kids. He has a five year old brother named Cole and to watch them interact through the years has been amazing, and such a blessing to have a glimpse at what he will be like when our baby comes. I am so happy I married a man that loves the Lord as much as I do and I cant wait to introduce God to our baby together. We are so excited for our little Jones hybrid to be here. :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Long nights!

Last night I didn't get much sleep, this little baby girl inside me loves to move. Now that I am 31 weeks there isn't a lot of space for her to move around but that doesn't keep her from trying. When I say she is moving I mean MOVING. It feels like she has little tools in there and she is building a fort or something. I know this is the Lords way of getting me ready for the long sleepless nights, but I wish it wasn't so painful at times. I really cant complain to much, because the Lord as blessed me and I haven't had a hard pregnancy. As the day for her to come into the world gets closer I get more and more nervous. I am just praying everything goes well, and we have ourselves a healthy baby girl. :)

Below is a picture of me at 31 weeks that Kody took on his phone last night.