Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Card

Hey guys, I was sending out our Christmas cards last week and thought I would post the picture on our blog so if you didn't get one you would still feel the Holiday love. Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

37 weeks

I know you all are probably thinking I should be posting more on our blog since I am on maternity leave, but I have to admit that I have been really lazy lately. I thought I would jump on and give you a quick pregnancy update so I can feel like I am semi keeping up with my blog right now. Here it goes!

Weeks- 37

Weight gain- 47 pounds (This is hard for me to admit)

Contractions- All the time, but not consistent enough to go in.

Cravings- Nothing lately, I feel like I am starting to get my normal eating habits back.

Things I look forward to- Kody giving me back rubs :)

Sleep- Sleeping went out the window a few months ago, Gods way of getting me ready to be a momma.

Sorry for the short little list of pregnancy facts, but the truth is at this point we are just looking forward to meeting our sweet little Adi as soon as God will let us. I will leave you with a ultrasound photo of Adi at 19 weeks. Thank you everyone for keeping us in your prayers as the count down has officially begun (3 weeks tell due date).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Art

Kody and I went to IKEA yesterday to pick up a few things, but if you have ever been to IKEA you know that you end up buying more than you planned. Kody saw this piece of art he really liked, and he usually is not one to pick out art for our house. So I of course was very excited when he wanted to get it. I took some new pics of our living room to show off our cool new piece of art on the wall which I love. Great find Kody!

Monday, December 6, 2010

We Love Christmas

Around our house Christmas is our favorite holiday, so we decided to share with everyone what our house looks like now that it has been hit with the holiday season. I am 36 weeks pregnant and things are getting pretty uncomfortable, but it makes it so much better when I can sit in our living room and be surrounded by all the Joy. Also this was the first year we got a 9 foot tree, we have always wanted a big tree and finally we made the jump and man is it beautiful.

Our beautifully big tree :) Can you guess what show we are watching on the TV? If you are really good you can figure out which episode.
Cooper after his bath. He doesn't look to happy, probably because I woke him up when I took the picture. Sorry Coop!
Our new ornaments. :)