Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I am posting again today because I wanted to share with you all how amazingly special Adi's Grandmas are. Well of course I am going to tell you about how great I think my own mom is and how I know she will be an amazing influence in Adison's life. My mom is my best friend and I cant wait to see the bond that her and her granddaughter are going to form.

The next Grandma on the list is my Mother-in-law Julie. Julie has been amazing these last few months helping me out when I need a break and giving me words of encouragement along the way. You mothers out there now that being a new mom isn't easy and running your own business at the same time can be very taxing. My wonderful Mother-in-law comes up once a week to watch Adi so I can get some editing and other stuff I need to work on done, needless to say it is beyond helpful. In the midst of all the driving back and forth from Eugene God has really blessed the situation with a beautiful bond between Adi and her. Its amazing how at only 3 months old you can see how much she loves her Grandma, she is so completely comfortable in her arms. I can already see how close they are going to be and it is such a beautiful thing.

Adi is so lucky to have so much love and such amazing Grandma's, and I am very fortunate to have a close relationship with my own mother and my mother-in-law. I hope it will be a good example to Adi of the relationship her and I can have together.  Below is a sweet photo of Adi and her Grandma Julie.

14 weeks!

Its been too long blogger friends. Its been crazy busy around here at the Jones house, my husband accepted a promotion about a month ago and he is loving his new position. My business has been busy busy (Praise God), and our little Adi is growing like a weed.

I love each new day that comes because Adison does something new and exciting. She is in this phaze where she makes this coughing sound sorta like a laugh, It is the funniest/cutest thing ever. I love my baby and it warms my heart that she is so happy, she is always smiling which is better than watching the sunset. I will leave you with a photo I took today of her, so cute. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kody & Adi

Hey everyone, here is a little video I made of Kody and Adi. Hope you like it!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sleep, my long lost friend.

Adi is two months old today, and her sleeping through the night has been a lot better. We put her to bed at 8 or 8:30pm and she sleeps tell around 3am, but around 12am I have to get up regularly to put her pacifier back in which can be a pain. 3am is where things start to fall apart, I get up to feed her and when I put her back in her crib she just wiggles and wiggles while staying wide awake. She decided to wake up at 4am this morning which was NOT fun. I am hoping she learns to sleep in tell around 7am, that would be perfect.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Adison's beautiful smile

Okay, so here is another video I took this morning of our sweet little Adi and her beautiful smile. Her smile melts my heart and gives me so much joy. It is my new goal in life to make her smile. I just noticed that I said it was Feb 29th on the video but there is no Feb 29th. What meant to say was March 1st, oooopps!

Monday, February 28, 2011

It's been to long!

Sorry everyone its been forever since I have been on here. I took a little video of Adison for you all. She is growing so fast and it's hard to believe she will be 2 months on Wednesday. She is getting better at sleeping at night and we are hoping she will be on our sleeping schedule soon. It's a short blog post, but I hope you all enjoy the video.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Head Bands

I found some time to be crafty while Adison was taking a nap. I made some cute head bands that I have been dieing to make since before she was born. I really love things that look vintage, and when I found these vintage flowers I had to buy them to make some head bands.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Adison and the pacifier

We started giving Adison a pacifier in the hospital and she took to it right away, but for the last few weeks it has become an addiction. She pretty much has it in her mouth 90% of the day and the other 10% she is freaking out because it has fallen out of her mouth. When we put her in her crib at night we give her the pacifier and we spend about an hour going back and forth from our room to hers to put the pacifier back in before she becomes a pacifier diva. I am sad to say we have created a monster and we are now having to work on ways of keeping her from it at night so we can get some rest. If anyone has some suggestions we would love to here them.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Needing Sleep!

The title of this blog post pretty much speaks for itself but just to clear things up Kody and I are tired. Not that I didn't think a new born baby wouldn't be a lot of work but I just didn't take into consideration all the times I would have to get up in the night to feed her. Don't get me wrong I love my baby but I cant wait tell this feeding cycle slows down and we can start getting more sleep. Sorry for such a lame blog post but I am off to take a nap.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

3 weeks old!

Here is a photo I took today of our sweet Adi. She is already 3 weeks old, and I cant believe how fast she is growing.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shower time!

Adison had her first shower today with her daddy. We have some family friends that told us as soon as we were able, to try and get her in the shower with us in order to teach her not to be afraid of the water. She did great and really seemed to enjoy herself. Here are a couple photos for you guys.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Adison Sue Jones

Sorry blogger friends that I have been MIA lately. We had our baby girl Jan 5th and after 29 hours of labor she was in our arms. She was 7 pounds 12 ounces, 19.75 in. Adison is amazing, she is the most laid back baby and is very good about going with the flow. I wake up about 2 times a night to feed her and she is packing on the pounds fats :) Kody and I couldn't be more in love, we are having a blast with her. I will try to stay on top of blogging now that life is getting more normalized. Adison had her fist photo shoot with me yesterday and here are a couple of the photos I took.