Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kody & Adi

Hey everyone, here is a little video I made of Kody and Adi. Hope you like it!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sleep, my long lost friend.

Adi is two months old today, and her sleeping through the night has been a lot better. We put her to bed at 8 or 8:30pm and she sleeps tell around 3am, but around 12am I have to get up regularly to put her pacifier back in which can be a pain. 3am is where things start to fall apart, I get up to feed her and when I put her back in her crib she just wiggles and wiggles while staying wide awake. She decided to wake up at 4am this morning which was NOT fun. I am hoping she learns to sleep in tell around 7am, that would be perfect.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Adison's beautiful smile

Okay, so here is another video I took this morning of our sweet little Adi and her beautiful smile. Her smile melts my heart and gives me so much joy. It is my new goal in life to make her smile. I just noticed that I said it was Feb 29th on the video but there is no Feb 29th. What meant to say was March 1st, oooopps!